This year, as MLK Day approaches, I want to dig in deeper with the kids. I don’t want to assume that they understand racism. Or that they don’t have prejudices. I don’t want to leave it to their teachers to talk about Martin Luther King’s legacy.
In the past, I’ve checked out picture books and let the kids listen to the “I Have a Dream” speech, but I feel like more is needed, like I need to be more intentional about building character and growing up change-makers. I want to push them to think and respond, to engage in the fight. I don’t want them to be silent about things that matter. So, I wrote up some simple prompts to spur on some mealtime conversation.
I know in advance that we’ll pick a few and probably not get to them all. That we’ll forget some nights and that they’ll likely be somebody that is grumpy and uninterested. But, I am going to cut these out and put them on our table anyway. I believe that even if it doesn’t go as I imagine, that they’ll be an impact even still.
If you subscribe to my newsletter, this will arrive in your inbox. If you don’t, sign-up now and you’ll receive this printable as my gift. My hope is that it will spark some good conversation at both your table and mine.
Happy MLK Day, friends.