It’s titled Go and Tell No One, but here I am telling you about this Bible study. It’s just that I don’t want you to miss it. I’ll be coming back to this one again and again. I’ve done lots of studies. But this one was more personal somehow. More was required of my thinking, and I responded. Author Kristin Hill designed the study in a way that had me digging in in a deeper way.
I worked through it around the kitchen table with friends. We sipped tea, spooned up egg casseroles, nibbled on muffins and used our mental shovels to dig into the Word. You know friend time is always a gift, but the true treasure was the absolute depth of discussion and learning.
I’m far from a Bible scholar, but I’ve read these Genesis to Revelation books my whole life. I admit to being a forgetful 43 year old who still scans the table of contents to see if Ephesians comes before Colossians. But, I “know” the Bible.
Still, I’d never caught it. In recount after recount of Jesus’ life, after performing a crazy miracle, He told the recipient, “Go and Tell No One”.
To the healed leper in Mark 1, “Go and tell no one.”
To the two blind men given sight in Matthew 9, “See that no one knows about it.”
Um, what?
Why in the world would He do that? Doesn’t He want us to tell the world?
Jesus had the option to “go viral”. To be powerful and big and loud. But He didn’t. He actually sometimes asked people that He healed to keep quiet. He was/is just so fascinating, isn’t he?
I’d love to get coffee and tell you all about my take-aways, but it’s a precious treasure you’ll want to mine for yourself. It reminded me that the Bible is an endless well. It’s a treasure box that can never be emptied out. It can’t be mastered. This study brought the life of Jesus newly alive to me. I found myself digging into commentaries, looking at maps to calculate His travel time, considering how many sandal clad followers were nearby, and having a friendly argument over whether or not Jesus ever got sick.
Through this study, my faith grew deeper still. I highlighted, starred, dog eared, noted, underlined, circled and explanation-pointed this workbook from the first to the last page. I realized how much I had been missing out on the Giver by focusing on His gifts.
I recommend this one. I don’t want you to miss it. You don’t need a group to do this study. There are no videos or leader’s guides. It’s simple and deep. It’s a chance at an intimate and sacred encounter.
“Scripture often describes the ‘mystery of Christ,’ and while our earthly minds will never know the full depths of all there is to know about Him, there is a difference to knowing Him, and His mystery, in part, and having an inaccurate or inadequate picture of who He truly is.” ~Kristin Hill, Go and Tell No One
And if you give it a try, I’m going to want to hear about it. Unless you think God says not to tell. 🙂
Courage, dear heart.
**To celebrate my blog re-launch, I’d love to give away a copy of this study! Simply sign-up for my newsletter, then let me know by commenting on this post or on Facebook. I’ll draw a winner on Friday, September 14th.
Adding to my Amazon cart!
It is truly so so good. I highly recommend it.
Love your heart and your encouraging words! I look forward to seeing your posts in my inbox! Xo
Always my favorite blog to follow!!!
I put it in my Amazon cart too!!! ❤️❤️❤️